Chen Qi’s successive evolution of Taiji diagram changes the physical body, Xuan Huang Zhen Long. When he was banned, he couldn’t hide it any more. Whether it was the fire crow array or the fire snake pair, he didn’t want to say that Tianjianfeng, even several nearby mountain peaks, practiced magic gods, and his brothers saw the signs here.

It’s better to say that this little thief has a good fortune, including the Mojing Magic God Palace. Almost all the advanced Taoist priests went to the extraterritorial virtual pursuit…

Li Xuan’s heart was more surprised than Chen Qi’s. After all, he won the red-violet method from the King Kong Tower. He didn’t know the beauty of Xuan Huang’s spirit. Chen Qi had another way to restrain the red-violet method. Although the net fire red-violet could not transform Chen Qi’s dharma, he saw that Chen Qi was also holding his own mana against his heart and suddenly relaxed. "Li Shishi Daoyou come and help me!"

Although Li Shishi is ruthless, he also has some strategies. He didn’t start work when he saw Chen Qi’s appearance. He wanted to see that Li Xuanyi and Chen Qi…